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The Lowdown on Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are tooth-shaped types of dental restoration that fully cover the portion of the teeth that are above the gumline. The crowns are cemented into the place that needs to be restored and fully encase the entire visible portion. On average, crowns can last from 7 to 15 years, but if properly cared for they can last even decades. 

The Lowdown on Dental Crowns

There are several reasons why you would need a dental crown. First and foremost, a dental crown is used to repair and strengthen damaged teeth. Secondly, dental crowns are placed in order to improve teeth appearance, especially to make changes to the tooth's shape. A broken tooth can be restored with a crown which is a cheaper solution than implants in case the tooth needs to be extracted or is not restorable. Another reason for a dental crown is to cover and support a tooth with a large filling when there isn't a lot of tooth structure left. 

For children, dental crowns are used on primary teeth in order to save the tooth that has been damaged by decay, especially when the children don't keep up with the daily oral hygiene. Moreover, it is used to decrease the frequency of general anaesthesia for children due to their age, behaviour or medical history. 

There are several types of dental crowns Melbourne dentists use in their dental practices. Stainless steel crowns are used on permanent teeth. This type is also used for children for their primary teeth to protect them from further decay. Next are the metal alloys that have a large degree of gold or platinum. They withstand biting and chewing forces well and are probably the most durable. Then, the porcelain-fused-to-metal dental crowns that can match in colour to the adjacent teeth are good for front or back teeth as well as long bridges. The all-ceramic or all-porcelain dental crowns are among the most popular ones as they provide better natural colour and are suitable for people with metal allergies. Finally, the zirconium dental crowns Melbourne dentists consider the most effective and usually require two visits to complete. 

When it comes to the procedure, there are several steps and sometimes more than one visit to the dentist is necessary to finish the process. Firstly, a tooth is prepared for a crown by making the place numb with anaesthesia. Then, the dentist will remove 1-3 mm of tooth structure from the front, back, both sides and the surface of the tooth. What is left of the tooth will be covered with the crown that first needs to be fabricated after an impression is made. Once the crown is ready it is cemented onto the tooth.

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